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Formation : Les prix du gaz et de l'électricité : fondamentaux et strategie de la gestion du risque

  • Réf. : Enerdata
  • Durée : 2 Jours
  • Prix : 2 500,00 € HT
  • Possibilité de formation intra-entreprise
prix energie, prix gaz et electricite, gestion risque prix energie,

pour qui ?

This seminar is intended for energy sector professional:
· Energy economists and analysts
· Business and project developpers
· Buyers of gas and electricity
· Corporate strategists & planners
· Risk analysts
· EU and national civil servants
· Finance & accounting managers
· Managers at local authorities and IPPs
· New recruits


The objective of this training seminar is to understand the formation
and dynamics of gas and electricity prices, identify the risk factors that
impact prices, and outline different risk management strategies.
Upon completion of the seminar, participants will be able to:
· Understand the structure of the European & international gas
and electricity markets
· Identify the drivers of gas and power prices
· Discern key market risks and areas of uncertainties
· Outline the main strategies that can be applied to mitigate prices risks

compétences requises

Voir avec la société Enerdata.

résumé du programme

Gas prices in international markets

How does the international gas market work?
· Infrastructure: pipelines and LNG terminals
· Producers, transporters, buyers
· Gas supply in Europe

How are gas prices established in international transactions?
· Main types of gas supply contracts
· Indexing mechanisms and their impact on gas prices

Outlook on the evolution of gas prices in the international market
· Outlook on the evolution of oil prices
· Gas-to-gas competition
· Impact of climate and energy policies

The European gas market

How far have we gone in the liberalisation of the European gas market?
· Current status of gas market liberalisation in European countries
· Interconnections between countries
· Access to gas distribution networks

Gas buying terms for industries
· The main types of contracts
· Spot markets
· Futures markets

Liberalisation and evolution of prices in the wholesale gas market: historical perspective
· United Kingdom, France, Germany

Gas risk management strategies

Long term Contracts
· General conditions
· Indexing mechanisms, price flexibility
· Advantages and disadvantages
· Case-study and feedback from past experience

Short term Contracts
· General conditions
· Indexing mechanisms, price flexibility
· Advantages and disadvantages
· Case-study and feedback from past experience

Day 2- Electricity Prices

The cost structure of power generation

Electricity generation costs
· Cost structure per type of plant and fuel
· Electricity costs sensitivity analysis

Evolution of generation costs drivers
· Fossil fuel and carbon prices
· Commodities and investment costs
· Renewable intermittency

From generation costs to wholesale prices
· Historical overview
· Impact of policy instruments

Volatility risks in the European electricity market

Electricity price volatility
· Definitions and observed past volatility
· Short term and long term volatility

Volatility risks and future outlook
· Volatility drivers: carbon and renewable energy policies, fossil fuel price evolutions
· Volatility and price risk
· Volatility risk profile of various industry players

Electricity risk management strategies

Purchasing electricity: modalities
· Specificities of electricity
· Long term and short term contracts
· Hedging on markets

Risk hedging: practical exercise

The European electricity market

Where are we in the liberalisation of the European electricity market?
· Current status of gas market liberalisation in European countries
· Wholesale European markets
· Interconnections between countries

Purchasing electricity on the wholesale market
· The spot market
· The forward market

Liberalisation and evolution of prices in the wholesale energy market: historical perspective
· United Kingdom
· France

Risks and price fluctuations in the wholesale gas market: historical overview
· The surge in oil prices 2006-2008
· The crisis in Ukraine
· The impact of the EU-ETS

Informations disponibles

Documentation produit (brochure, fiche technique...) (1),

Brochure formation : les prix du gaz et de l’électricité - gestion du risque

This seminar is intended for energy sector professional:
· Energy economists and analysts
· Business and project developpers
· Buyers of gas and electricity
· Corporate strategists & planners
· Risk analysts
· EU and national civil servants
· Finance & accounting managers
· Managers at local…

Les formations dans le(s) même(s) secteur(s)

Ingénièrie ecologique


  • Durée : 2 ANS
  • Prix : 15 000,00 € HT
  • Durée : de 2 à 5 jours
  • Durée : 1 jour
  • Prix : 150,00 € HT

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